Sugra Baghirova
CEO at Miami Boats Rental | Entrepreneur | Operations Manager | Web Development & Data Analytics.Website and software management expertise, combined with 7+ years of experience in sales and digital marketing. Skilled in Python, Pandas, and data visualization tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and D3.js. In a short period of time, I was able to learn multiple front- and back-end computer programming languages and developed multiple research and analysis project websites and custom-built data scraping tools. | I developed Miami Boats Rental Company in the summer of 2020. I built a custom CRM system and developed the website of Miami Boats Rental myself. This is my first large project which is successfully working right now with hundreds .where we offer a wide selection of yacht charters around South Miami in Florida. My role involves managing various aspects of the business, including CRM, Business Development, Social Media, Marketing, Web Development, Sales, Operations Management, Customer Service. I believe that there's nothing you can't learn if you truly want to, and no matter how much you know, there's always something more to attain.
Interests: Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Web Design, Travel